The Alcohol Research Lab at the University at Buffalo conducts research on substance use and misuse. A major focus of our work has to do with the way in which substance use, trauma, and posttraumatic stress occur together and influence one another. Most of this work is focused on etiology (factors that lead to this association and how substance problems or PTSD develop). However, some of our recent work has been focused around intervention/treatment (how to resolve these problems once they have occurred). Our research is done in collaboration with other investigators here in the Psychology Department, as well as around the country and world. This is an active and exciting lab, where there always is a lot going on, and plenty of research and educational activities for graduate and undergraduate students to get involved in.

Our lab has been been featured by the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), a leading professional organization in clinical psychology. Click here to learn more!

Are you a UB student looking to get involved in research? Come work with us! Click here to learn more!